Currently Browsing: Ants

Who is Responsible for Pest Control, Landlords or Tenants?

A pest infestation can be annoying and disruptive, particularly if the problem has escalated and pest control is already involved. So, who between you and your tenant becomes responsible for the extermination costs? Well, if that’s what you...

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Pest Control for the Periodic Home Invader Tampa & Plant City, FL

Do you have the periodic home invader? Why do these bugs come inside? Most bugs are looking for food, water, shelter, and a mate. Some seek shelter from high rainfall amounts, some just accidentally wander in. Most invaders don't damage anything or...

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Ants! - This is the worst time of year... all the rain is driving them indoors, into your home & business.

Successful Ant Control requires you to play a part. 1. Let the tech know what you have already tried, actions & insecticides. 2. See if there is any way to improve the sanitation of your home. (It is just about impossible to eradicate an ant...

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Pest Management Crazy Ant Tampa Florida - Safari Pest Control, LLC

Here in Tampa, Florida we put up with a lot of bugs, including the Crazy Ant. The Crazy Ant is a small brown or black ant about 1/8 " long. These ants can become a real pain in the neck. The Crazy Ant will invade just about any building they find, as...

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